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Swedish Massage

The most common and well known type of massage. Our Swedish Massage is slow and gentle and is great for relaxation and reliving the stress. Swedish Massage warms the muscles, releases tensions and many more health benefits.


30 Minutes $35

60 minutes $65


Chair Massage

Chair Massage promotes better posture and improved thinking. Chair Massage also helps lower anxiety, lower blood pressure, decrease stress, improve sleep and many more benefits.


30 minutes $25

45 minutes $ 30


Deep Tissue Massage

Deep Tissue massage therapy is firm and manipulative, that uses pressure and movement to release deep layers of tissue ( because of the pressure Deep Tissue can be a little uncomfortable) Some of the benefits are; reduce chronic pain, improve blood pressure, break up scar tissue, stress relief, help with poor blood circulation and many more.


60 minutes $65

90 minutes $95


Reflexology ( Feet only)


Fibromyalgia Focused Massage

Can improve the chronic pain associated with Fibromyalgia and promotes deep relaxation, lowers stress and aids in lowering muscle tension.Can also help with mobility improvement.


45 Minutes $60


Additional Information


Please keep in mind that Tips are NOT included.

The act of applying pressure based on a system of zones and reflex areas that correspond to another area of the body and hey... who doesn't love a foot massage!  It can Help Increase energy, relieves stress and anxiety, help with pain and improve blood circulation.


45 minutes $35

There will be a $5.00 gas charge for every visit.


You can-add a 10 min Facial Massage for $10.00 ( can help relive sinus pressure and aid in relaxation)



Open Mon- Sat  9am to 7pm

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